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News from Spatula HQ


We thought a 'news' page would be a fun addition to the website, so we can keep you all updated with the latest happenings here in spatula land.

We've been hard at work, here at the Spatularium, coming up with new designs and 'improving' some of the originals. Our newest characters are now listed in the shop, right at the very top of the page. We've also updated our checklist for 2023 - which you can find here. There are some of the older designs which we have realised aren't listed (they are most annoyed) so keep an eye out becuse they will soon have their very own listings!

We're also working hard to update our facebook and instagram pages - so all of our spatula fans can keep up to date on our spatula adventures more easiliy. If you don't already follow us be sure to give us a like (who knows there might be even be some givaways or special follower offers in the near future!).

We adore getting feedback from people who have our spatulas, and hearing about where they have ended up, we've sold them all over the world. If you have any pictures of your spatula 'in action' please send them in. Tim just loves to see them hard at work.

We will be attending some of our favourite fairs and markets again this year, and we plan to list these both on the website and social media. We always love meeting our fans in person.

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The Spatularium

A:   Unit 7C
West End Industrial Estate
NE49 9HA


T:   01434 394105




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